A few weeks ago Mark asked me to marry him! The story goes something like this.......
We were cruising along the Golden Bay coast--the tip of the South Island the only area in NZ where there is coastal forest--we were following the artisan route when we came across a very cool silversmith shop--we went in and immediately I was drawn to this very interesting ring--called a "wobble ring"--I tried it on and it was a perfect fit--we left the shop went to the car--then Mark said he forgot his sunglasses--he went in and came back out--and we went on our way--
Then we decided to visit a local funky barn-house pub where they make great manuka beer--(the flower that grows on tea trees)--

It was poetry night and Mark signed up to give a poem--we've gone to poetry readings in other towns so it was nothing new---when it was his turn he got up in front of 60 people walked up to the podium looked at me---then said to the audience "This will be the shortest, scariest, most heartfelt poem I've ever recited."--he walked back to where I was sitting---all eyes on him--everybody curious---including me--and got down on one knee (what's left of a knee) and said "sweet Sarahndipity will you marry me?" I said yes (of course) and the entire place started cheering---it was sooo sweet---sooo romantic--

Mark had gone into the shop and purchased the ring without me knowing. When we went in the next day to pick up the matching ring for Mark the silversmith Peter Meares said "Nice job! The whole town is talking about your amazing proposal."
Here's his website.
We still don't know if we are going to get married here in NZ or Australia....but will keep everyone informed.

Sarah and Mark, what incredible news. I am so happy for both of you. It's obvious you both make each other very happy and I think that's all we can really ask for in life. Mark, I hope to meet you in person soon but thank you for the blog, I feel like I know you now. Anyway, I hope to see you both soon and congratulations.
Sarah and Mark, I love this blog cite. I can't believe I didn't know how to access it for this long. Sarah, I love the photos--one of my favorites was the young orangutan that was the first photo in your orangutan gallery. I loved the story of your proposal, I didn't realize how romantic it was (good job Mark!). Love, Mom (the techno geek)
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