Thursday, June 11, 2009

The East Coast: Kewarra Beach

After a fortnight or more of traipsing up, down, and around the Northern Territory by train, car, taxi, and 4x4, we were ready for a change from the Outback. We flew from Alice to Cairns, in the tropical far north of Queensland, our major goal being to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef. First, however, we wanted a few days of downtime--no daily hauls or bookings. We checked in at the Kewarra Beach Resort, which was far enough north of Cairns to feel isolated from any hustle or bustle, and we promptly fell in love with the little stretch of beach beyond our bungalow. It's hard to describe exactly what was so enchanting about this particular bit of sand. The cay was sheltered and lined with thick forest and palms, yes, that's true. And the water was as warm as the continually purring surf was soft--that's also true. And there's almost nothing more romantic than a full moon over an empty beach in balmy weather--that's so true that we found ourselves howling companionably on a driftwood log one evening. But it was all those things and more. It was a neighborly beach, not at all crowded, but the sort of place where we saw the same locals come to walk their dogs every evening, where everyone appeared pretty well content with the moment, especially those dogs, which were among the most joyful canines we've ever encountered. Neither words nor photos can adequately capture the gestalt of such a place with its particular textures, smells, breezes, and tranquility, but we hope we've conveyed a little bit of the idea here. We've never considered ourselves coastal people before, but this beach, ahhhh, this Kewarra beach. We could see ourselves happily vanishing into the little knots of locals, walking our own dogs or bringing our own kids down daily to play in the impish tide. This was a beach for dreaming little dreams just like that.

Sarah's Kewarra Dance

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